"We do survive. And Then We Thrive."
~ Susannah Conway
Today is the first day of August Break! This will be the third year I have participated. I always find it as an inspiration to consistently blog, while others are inspired to take a sort of break, posting photos and keeping it simple; there are no rules.
I thought the best way to begin the month would be with a photo of two books I just finished reading, by the creator of the August Break, Susannah Conway. My ordering and reading the book "this i know" was initially unrelated to preparing for the August Break. This is a book about grief and finding your way out, with time. While I have not experienced the level of grief expressed in this book, and my heart goes out to Susannah, I had suffered a loss several months ago...a loss of myself, I guess you could say.
I'm not usually one for "self-help" books, but upon opening this book, I realized it was much more than that. In this book I found that it was common and perfectly okay to feel broken, but also okay to feel whole again.
What comes to my mind, and has been said so many times...time heals. It is so difficult to believe at your lowest point, but it is true.
I have been drowning myself in painting, writing, nature, trips, friends, and looking inward as much as outward...honing in on the big picture, as well as the details.
Here's to August! It's warmth, it's beauty, as well as it's ability to rejuvenate and help us transition into the next season.
Hey Candace, I'm just reading this post and wondering if your recent experiences may be similar to mine, this "loss of self.". It seems scary and lonely and peculiar to be the only person I know feeling a kind of grief that is hard to explain. Some things just didn't turn out like I expected and worked for- and they are things that maybe no one else would sense but me. Things I thought were very necessary. But still the awkward time of letting it go to be "whatever" is happening. I blogged about embracing the loneliness, something I read on a Christian self help site, which sounds sort of sad but it is kind of freeing too.
Anyway, I wish you joy as you make your way through the brokenness and rebuilding.
Hi Michele - you and I have been following each other on and off for the past couple of years. I have sensed that we have been in a similar place. Yes, this "loss" has to do with things not working out the way I expected, loosing a piece of my heart...and very difficult to explain.
I have many wonderful things in my life, I feel truly blessed in many realms...just learning to accept that things are the way they are meant to be. I wish you all the joy as you find your way, as well. If you ever need to talk, you can always email me via flickr.
Candace, it is as you say. I have so many blessings in life, but still I have to learn to accept that I won't have all the ones i wanted. I appreciate your response, though. Thanks.
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