Monday, August 23, 2010


I recently cleaned out my closet and drawers to make room for "back to school/work" clothes. I was good and made two bags, one for our swap meet next month and one for Goodwill. Yesterday I hauled the big bag of unwanted goodness to the local Goodwill and while there I decided to go in to see what of others unwanted goodness I could find.
I always check out the camera section first. Sitting on the top shelf was a lovely Argus C3 for $9.00, in great shape I might add. I snagged it.


Lisa Gordon said...

I picked one of these up earlier this year. In doing some reading about it, I found that its nickname was "The Brick!!"

C. Knack said...

I read that :) I need to read up about it a bit more before I try to use it. These cameras were made very close to where I live.

Erin Wallace said...

You lucky duck! I would Never find something this fantastic at my local thrift! Can't wait to see some photos from it.

xo Erin

C. Knack said...

I know, I was surprised to find it! I think I got my Brownie at this same Good Will.