Monday, August 2, 2010

No Words

"A bad word whispered will echo a hundred miles"
~Chinese Proverb


Erin Wallace said...

Love this photo - great colors and shadows

xo Erin

m5 said...

you are so good with a camera, girl. and I needed that quote today. ♥

Anonymous said...

Such a great shot! Makes me reflect on childhood...

C. Knack said...

thank you - I have been thinking a lot about words the past couple of days, how once there are constructed they can never be undone, even though these blocks might suggest they can be.

amanda said...

coming over from august break. so true, so true - i had to write that quote down for future reference!

Kim said...

I love this photo! Incredible!

C. Knack said...

thank you for the lovely compliments and for stopping over.
I am loving the August Break!